Moderating Writing in Year 6

A half day course to give Year 6 staff the opportunity to discuss pupils’ writing in line with the National Curriculum and end of Key Stage 2 expectations. Experienced moderators will facilitate the discussion, ensuring that the course provides delegates with up to date Key Stage 2 statutory assessment arrangements for Writing as well as practical advice on supporting pupils’ next steps.

Moderating Reading and Writing in Year 4

The Nest

This moderation course is designed to support teachers in Year 4 to accurately assess pupils’ reading and writing. This half-day course will provide delegates with the opportunity to explore reading and writing expectations in Year 4, including working towards, expected and greater depth statements.

Moderating Reading and Writing in Year 5

The Nest

This moderation course is designed to support teachers in Year 5 to accurately assess pupils’ reading and writing. This half-day course will provide delegates with the opportunity to explore reading and writing expectations in Year 5, including working towards, expected and greater depth statements.

Moderating Reading and Writing in Year 3

The Nest

This moderation course is designed to support teachers in Year 3 to accurately assess pupils’ reading and writing. This half-day course will provide delegates with the opportunity to explore reading and writing expectations in Year 3, including working towards, expected and greater depth statements.

Moderating Reading and Writing in Year 1

The Nest

This moderation course is designed to support teachers in Year 1 to accurately assess pupils’ reading and writing. This half-day course will provide delegates with the opportunity to explore reading and writing expectations in Year 1, including working towards, expected and greater depth statements.

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