Training Courses & Conferences

We are committed in delivering highly-valued training courses that enable teachers, support staff and leadership teams to feel positive and confident in their role.

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GOV 02 Pupil Attendance
Pupil attendance continues to be a national and local priority for schools and trusts. This session...
GOV 03 New DfE Academy Trust Governance Guide
Discover everything you need to know about the new Governance Guide, aligning effective governance to focus...
GOV 04 Preparing for Performance Management and Pay Committees
This briefing will update governors on their role and responsibilities relating to staff appraisal and headteacher...
GOV 05 & 07 Governor Induction Part 1 & Part 2 – Academy Governance
Explore the key information and frameworks set out in the new DfE Academy Trust Governance Guide...
GOV 06 & 07 Governor Induction Part 1 & Part 2 – Maintained School Governance
Explore the key information and frameworks set out in the new DfE Maintained School Governance Guide...
GOV 08 Cybersecurity for Governors
Latest governance guidance emphasises the importance for at least one governor on your board to be...
GOV 09 The Importance of Safeguarding and How to Manage It
This session will equip you with the knowledge to support your school in fulfilling its safeguarding...
GOV 10 Understanding Your Data to Monitor Performance – Primary Schools
This training will give an insight into how primary school governors can use external and internal...
GOV 11 New DfE Maintained Schools Governance Guide
The DfE Maintained schools governance guide has replaced the Governance Handbook. This session will look at...
GOV 12 Being an Effective Link Governor
Effective Link Governors develop a detailed understanding of their area of focus....
GOV 13 Is Your School Meeting The Needs of SEND Pupils?
How can governors effectively ensure that the needs of SEND pupils are being met? What does...
GOV 14 Are You Ready for the Spring Term?
The termly briefing is for all governors and trustees preparing for governance this term, but will...
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