Videos & Podcasts

Training Webinars

Our media gallery contains a wide range of video and podcasts from our education experts. Browse through our recorded training, webinars and podcasts or filter by our different services.

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Parental Engagement and Attendance
Lauren and Ella discuss the importance of strong parental engagement in schools, particularly when it comes to attendance. The barriers, overcoming these challenges and the positive outcomes when we get it right.
Gov 04: Preparing for performance management and pay committees
Practical guidance for governors involved in undertaking performance management and reviewing staff appraisal.
Gov 03: The academy trust governance guide
Increase your understanding of the expectations of the DfE governance guide for academies.
Gov 02: Attendance
Practical guidance to understand your school's context and attendance data for this critical priority.
Gov 01: Are you ready for Autumn term?
Briefing for all governors on updates from the DfE and the important governing body business for the term.
Showcase Rocks 2024
Join us at Band on the Wall as we present all the bands who took part in this year's Showcase Rocks!
Big Band Showcase 2024
Join us at Band on the Wall as we present all the bands who took part in this year's big band showcase!
The Big Sing 2024 Highlights
Join us at The Bridgewater Hall as we present highlights from the fabulous annual Big Sing!
Gov 30: Holding the headteacher and staff to account
Preparing you for staff and headteacher performance management in autumn term.
Gov 29: Strategic planning and monitoring framework
Your role in school monitoring and practical tools to reflect on your governing board's impact.
Gov 28: Curriculum Link Governor briefing
Curriculum link governors update on issues and good practice pertinent to their role.
Gov 24: Governor Briefing
Termly update of news and initiatives from the DfE and Ofsted.
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