HR Support

Safer Recruitment

This full-day training course is accredited by the Safer Recruitment Consortium. The course considers policies and practices that minimise opportunities for abuse and ensure prompt referral, supporting schools to develop and maintain a safer recruitment ethos.


This full-day training course is accredited by the Safer Recruitment Consortium. Every School’s recruiting panel must have at least one accredited person on every panel. Improved awareness and understanding of offender behaviour helps to deter or prevent the appointment of unsuitable staff.

The course considers policies and practices that minimise opportunities for abuse and ensure prompt referral, supporting schools to develop and maintain a safer recruitment ethos. The course includes new material than in previous sessions. All attendees successfully completing the course will leave with a certificate.


Who’s it for?

Governors, Heads, School Business Managers, anyone dealing with recruitment.

Age Phase


Blackely Golf Club
Blackley Golf Club, Victoria Ave E, Middleton, Manchester M9 7HW
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