School Census is a data collection exercise which provides the Central Government with data from the schools’ management information systems (MIS). The data collected is determined by government requirements but may also be used by local authorities (LA).
The specification of the School Census moved from a calendar year basis (spring, summer and autumn) to an academic year basis (autumn, spring and summer) from January 2014 and the date for each collection is set each year.
Course Objectives
By the end of the course you will be able to:
- start a census return
- create and validate a return
- correct any validation errors by editing individual pupil records or by using bulk update
- authorise a return
- print detailed reports
- print a summary of the census.
This course covers preliminary preparation for the school census return, the procedure for creating a return and how to correct any outstanding validation errors.
You should have a working knowledge of SIMS.
Who is it for?
School administrators responsible for submitting the School Census
Age phase