Publications & Documents

We have provided a wide range of additional resources to support you in your role. Please select an area of interest to browse and download the documents.

Some resources can only be accessed via membership. If you are interested in accessing any of these areas, please complete our enquiry form.

Find the right documents:

21 Questions for MATs
Key questions a MAT board should ask itself.
A guide to managing critical incidents in schools DoE Ireland
A guide to managing critical incidents in schools DoE Ireland
A parent/carer guide to an Educational Psychology Assessment
What is an EP assessment? How do we work? Our assessments aim to identify what skills your child or young person have already and, drawing on psychological knowledge, what might help them to make progress in the future.
A Post-14 Personal Development Programme
Independence skills for autistic and other vulnerable students, based on the Preparing for Adulthood framework.
A-Z Author Proforma
A proforma for use in staff training to gauge staff understanding of children's authors.
Academies Exporting Data from Collect to LA
Guidance notes on uploading and submitting the census return to the DfE.
Academies Planning Calendar 2022 to 2023
A summary of key dates and actions relating to academy funding, finance and trust compliance with their funding agreement.
Academy Trust Handbook 2022
For academy members, trustees, accounting officers, chief financial officers and auditors. Effective from 1st September 2022.
ACE’s 7 Minute Briefing Safeguarding
Acquired Brain Injury
The outcomes of the work One Education Education Psychologists have carried out with children and young people that suffer from ABI.
Admin Co-ordinator
Job description and person specification template. Manchester Schools.
Admin Co-ordinator (Non-Manchester)
Job description and person specification template. Non-Manchester Schools.
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