Rethinking Education Conference: Pedagogy, Practice and Putting Children First

This Conference has been created for you and your leadership teams whilst keeping children at the heart of all we explore. The day will provide a wealth of opportunities for you to feel inspired, refreshed and energised whilst hearing from experts in the educational leadership landscape.

workshop at leadership conference


The role of leaders at all levels in ensuring that neurodiversity in the classroom is valued
and celebrated

With Jennifer Garside

With an increasingly neurodivergent population of children, the implications for how we educate our pupils and manage our schools and classrooms is vast. This workshop explores how all leaders, from Governors and MAT Leads to Headteachers and Curriculum Leaders, can ensure that their settings not only recognise and meet the needs of pupils in a wholly inclusive culture, but actually value and celebrate the diversity of the individuals within it.

Adaptive Teaching: A Whole-School Approach

With Catherine Delaney

Adaptive teaching is a term fast replacing differentiation in education, with the aim of meeting the diverse needs of all pupils whilst maintaining high expectations for all. In this workshop, we will look closely at what adaptive teaching is, explore what this pupil-centred approach looks like in practice and discuss how to embed different strategies as a whole school.

Supporting SLCN across the curriculum

With Helen Marriott

Speech, Language and Communication skills are needed in all areas of the curriculum and school life. In this workshop we will look at how to support pupils at each level of support – Universal, Targeted and Individual. The main part of the session will look at supporting Oracy skills as part of QFT and what support can be put in in the classroom to support those pupils who need it. We will look at ways of identifying those who need specialist support.

Literate Lives: Unlocking children’s full potential through the curriculum

With Laura Lodge

“Literacy is…the road to human progress and the means through which every…child can realise his or her full potential.” Kofi Annan

We know that getting literacy right is the cornerstone for children’s development, but to do this we need to go further than fulfilling statutory curriculum requirements. We must adapt our literacy curriculum to meet the real life needs of our pupils. This workshop will explore how we can balance children’s needs with statutory requirements to ensure our children are truly prepared to lead fully literate lives.

Leading a whole-school transition strategy for EAL and building curriculum confidence

With Simone Nixon

In this workshop we will explore how best to help EAL or INA with successful transition into to your school, following a whole school strategy. Using research, we will also explore how to support all staff to remove language barriers and build curriculum confidence for all staff and the child.

Connecting the Curriculums: How does your EYFS feed into the whole school curriculum design

With Harriet Brettell

Does your current curriculum start from the roots of effective learning? Does the EYFS curriculum align with The National Curriculum? Are knowledge and skills developed and built on over time?  

This workshop will help you to unpick the statutory requirements of the EYFS Framework and the National Curriculum and look at how the two can be bridged when creating and designing a whole school curriculum. We will dive into ways we can create exciting, inspirational curriculums that align with research informed practice to ensure children continue to build knowledge and skills along their learning journeys. We will also consider how the Early Years’ Characteristics of Effective Learning lay the foundations for metacognition throughout the Primary Years and beyond. You will leave the workshop feeling inspired to adapt and evolve your curriculum to seamlessly build upon the firm foundations that your Early Years provides.  

Whole school approach to formative assessment in the foundation subjects.

With Mary Arnold

This workshop will delve into formative assessment in the foundation subjects. The session will consider your school’s curriculum and the importance of identifying assessment points. It will also consider the impact of recapping prior knowledge, drawing upon metacognition, and provide practical strategies, linked to evidence informed practice, in ensuring accurate formative assessment of the foundation subjects The workshop aims to empower school leaders to be confident in identifying where the learner is, where they are going and how to get them there

Addressing Emotionally Based School Non-Attendance In Your School. 'All Hands on Deck.'

With Jess Lane and Sarah Ward

We examine the psychological issues underlying the current epidemic of school non-attendance and outline practical, whole-school approaches and strategies. 
Themes that will be explored:
  • The fear and the barriers
  • Being Preventative; Identifying young people who are ‘surviving not thriving’
  • Where it all goes wrong … where expectations exceed capacity
  • Really listening to young people and families; avoiding ‘cookie cutter’ planning
  • Re-integration planning and creating a ‘welcome back’ environment
  • Foolproof transition planning

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