HR KPIs in Education – A review and oversight

teacher using smartscreen in class

Whilst KPIs are common in every business, Human Resources key performance indicators (HR KPIs) are metrics specifically used to measure how HR is aiding and contributing to the success of a school or multi-academy trust (MAT).

The Rise of Parental Complaints

A teacher holding open a book and showing the page to a pupil.

Managing the rise of parental complaints can have a huge impact on leadership in schools. Our Director of HR & Education Strategy, Rachel Foster, shares expert advice to help you respond effectively to concerns and ensure matters are resolved.

World Menopause Day 2023

A teacher and pupils look down at what they find in the school gardens.

In today’s guest blog, Jeannette Jackson, Director of the Manchester Stress Institute, shares expert knowledge, tips and insights to help school staff manage the menopause in the workplace.  

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